c2 provides career and leadership coaching + consulting services to transform you or your team into new (or redefined) roles, careers and callings. The way we see it, we're in the business of propelling you to new levels of enjoyment and excellence in equal measure.
All of our services tie into strengthening your career, leadership capacity, efficiency and communication skills. You'll discover new career and leadership skills, choices and changes so you can create a clear path forward, experience peak performance and do great work individually or with your team.
Explore our services and write the next chapter of your success story.
+ Career
+ Leadership
+ Team
+ Group
+ Executive
+ On-boarding/leadership transition
+ Succession
+ Leadership Development
+ Career Advancement
+ Team Effectiveness
+ Interview Prep
+ Communication Skills
+ Time Management
+ Productivity
+ Business Developement
+ Change Management
+ Recognition Programs
+ Work-life Strategies
Looking to develop your team? Our SMART Shift seminars are popular deliveries designed to help teams make SMART choices and changes.
Good awareness makes for good choices and assessment tools are a powerful way to expand your own awareness along with your employees. Discover your strengths and your development areas through our leading assessment instruments so you can acquire new skills, perspectives and soar.
Looking to take your career or leadership to the next level?
Let's talk. Start a conversation that could change today how you live, work and lead tomorrow.
[t] +1.905.509.6026 or 1.613.832.6224